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Client Quotes

“We use the OrthoLive Remote Injury Care program and it is excellent. It takes a lot of stress and anxiety off everybody to be able to do it right there as opposed to going to a hospital and sitting there for one or two hours before they’re seen.”

Daniel K.

(Director of Safety)

“We recommend all of our clients, whether you’re another safety company, whether you’re construction manager or large or small construction firm to use OrthoLive remote injury care program. It saves you time, it saves you money, it saves aggravation. Use OrthoLive, it will help you out.”

Shiron V.

(Health & Safety Consultant)

“Most PT appointments take weeks to set up if we go through urgent care, but OrthoLive changes all of that for our teams.  Just like in the big leagues, when a player gets injured, they don’t rush to an urgent care center, they see a trainer on the field.”

Tom G.

(Safety Director)

What People Are Saying

Real OrthoLive Client Testimonials

What People Are Saying

Real OrthoLive Client Testimonials

We believe innovation and increased access to orthopedic care helps practices, employers, and patients.

The OrthoLive platform is built to increase revenue, decrease costs and improve the lives of users without a steep or unnecessary learning curve. We look forward to working with you.

Coverage Across All 50 States

Coverage Across All 50 States