Submit a Guest Post

For Healthcare Professionals
Workers’ Compensation Specialists

Join OrthoLive’s guest post program and reach thousands of healthcare professionals, workers’ compensation specialists and employers around the United States.

We are currently looking for individuals to share their knowledge and expertise with monthly guest articles on our blog.

There are many benefits to submitting a regular guest post on the OrthoLive site including:

  • Having your voice heard and building your brand with our audience of healthcare professionals, workers’ compensation specialists, and employers around the United States
  • Link building back to your website for each post you submit helps with search engine optimization (SEO) and domain authority 
  • Each new post gives you something to promote on your social channels
  • Showcasing your content on an authoritative, technology-focused website helps position you as a cutting edge expert in your field
  • Creating informative, relevant content regularly here will help you outline future content for your own purposes 
  • Top posts will be featured in our monthly newsletter to practice administrators and workplace safety professionals

Content submitted has to be original and healthcare-related. 

Our main audiences are workers’ compensation specialists, safety managers, employers and healthcare professionals. Some topics will resonate more than others, so we suggest writing about:

  • Workplace safety / injury prevention / workers’ compensation issues, trends, and safety ideas 
  • How-to guides for improving clinic workflow or integrating telemedicine into a practice 
  • Updates on impending legislation or regulations affecting medical devices or pharma 
  • Walkthroughs explaining how you solved a problem in healthcare (or your industry as it relates to healthcare)
  • A physician’s point of view on healthcare technology or the patient experience

Content cannot be self-promotional. Instead, you should focus on providing value and education for the reader to position yourself as an expert. 

As a rule of thumb, content should be conversational and include as many concrete examples, statistics, and relevant links as possible. 

  • Articles should be between 1,000 – 3,000 words
  • You must submit an article every month for the duration of your guest post agreement 
  • Content submitted here must not be published on any other website 
  • Submissions should not mention your business (you and your company will be linked in the ‘bio’ section of each post you submit) 
  • Try to write content with bulleted lists and h2 (heading 2) subheadings every few paragraphs 
  • Please be sure you own the rights to any photos and videos submitted along with your content 
  • Photos must be sized no larger than 700 pixels wide 
  • If a photo is not submitted, one will be chosen for you and you will not have the opportunity to review it first 
  • Check grammar and spelling before submitting
  • The OrthoLive editorial team has sole discretion on what content is approved 

All content submissions for the following month must be submitted the prior month.

To submit an article, fill out the form on the bottom of this page. 

A member of our editorial team will review your application and reach out if you’re selected. 

All content submissions for the following month must be submitted by the 15th of the prior month. 

  • Once approved, you’ll be given access to our content publishing tool and instructions on how to submit content 
  • You’ll finalize and stylize your content there as well as submit relevant photos or videos to go along with your content 
  • By submitting content on the OrthoLive website you agree to our content release contract

Guest Post Submission Form

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